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Band Handbook

Please read the following information regarding the Mesa Verde Band Program. After reading and reviewing the handbook, go to the verification page.
You can access the handbook pages using the menu above or the quick links below.

All responses are due by:


Thank you,

The Music Staff

Practice Log Procedures for 7th and 8th Graders

We will start the school year with logs for 7/8 graders. Mostly, we want you to get your practice pattern down. I anticipate not having logs after the first quarter, unless poor performance on tests warrant logs being assigned.


We would like to ask you to take an active role in your childs musical growth through the use of weekly practice logs. Because of the importance of regular practice to a musicians progress, weekly practice logs are a significant part of each students letter and effort grade. However, just putting in practice time is not enough. Practice sessions need to be organized and goal oriented. In order to assist students in deriving the greatest benefit from practice logs, please use the following guidelines:

1. Please make sure the students name is printed clearly at the top of the form

2. Please make sure students list the specific goals of the class at the top. Weekly assignments and goals will be written on the white board in the band room.

3. Please verify each day of practice with your initials (or whoever knew of the practice session).

4. Please make sure you sign the bottom of the log at the end of the week. Logs WILL NOT be accepted without a parent or guardians signature.

5. Practice logs begin on Friday and are due the following Friday.


Practice logs will be graded using the following time guidelines for each week:


30 to 49 minutes: 1/5

50-79 minutes: 2/5

80-109 minutes: 3/5

110-139 minutes: 4/5

140-149 minutes: 5/5

150-159 minutes: 6/5

over 160 minutes: 7/5

Mesa Verde Middle School Band

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