Band Handbook
Please read the following information regarding the Mesa Verde Band Program. After reading and reviewing the handbook, go to the verification page.
You can access the handbook pages using the menu above or the quick links below.
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Thank you,
The Music Staff
Grading Policy for 6th Graders
Grades for sixth grade band will be based on the following:
1. Weekly practice logs (About 8 per quarter)
2. Preparation for class (bringing instrument, music and pencil)-put the pencil in your instrument case!-we have random checks for a grade.
3. Periodic playing quizzes
4. Periodic written worksheets
5. Concert attendance (3/year)-MANDATORY
6. Daily participation (students start with 100 pointsworth about 50% of the overall grade)
Sixth grade band students will be graded on a PASS/FAIL basis. A record of all grades will be kept so students know their percent score. On the comment section of the report card, we will mark high end of letter grade for students in the A range and low end of letter grade for students in the C/D range. B range grades will have no comment. The goal is to be in the A/B range for the school year. Failure to stay in this range may affect continued participation.
Students also receive an EFFORT and a CITIZENSHIP grade. If a student is attentive, polite and respectful of others, he will receive a favorable Citizenship grade. The Effort grade is based mainly on the following:
1. Turns in all practice logs and works hard in class: Outstanding
2. Is missing two practice logs: Good
3. Is missing three practice logs: Satisfactory
4. Is missing four practice logs: Needs Improvement
5. Is missing five or more practice logs: Unsatisfactory
It is possible to receive a high band average and a low effort grade. Please make the effort to turn in the practice logs! It is the one assignment band students have on a regular basis. We can also monitor progress and compare how much practicing is being accomplished.
Continued participation in the band program is dependent upon students meeting high standards of performance. Students must demonstrate a cooperative attitude, possess strong self-discipline for managing their own behavior, and attain the skill necessary to contribute to the bands performance.
Parents will be notified if a student begins to slip below the requirements for continued participation and the student will have the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary improvements.
Our goal for sixth grade band is to provide a musical experience which bridges the gap between the fifth grade pull-out program and the seventh and eighth grade band experience by building musical skills as well as developing responsibility for turning in work and preparing for performances.